Sunday, July 12, 2009


At the beginning of every year we make resolutions to resolve or achieve goals that will change our lives in some way. I say you don’t have to wait for a new year.

Unfortunately, at this time in our country, lives are being impacted by the economic conditions that we are all facing. People are losing jobs, their homes, etc. You may also notice that a lot of people are moving, changing or searching for new jobs which will strategically change their life patterns. It is a time of reorganization and new beginnings. On a personal level, it’s time to put away that which is no longer useful and bring in that which will be productive, long lasting and which will bring fulfillment into our lives and the lives of those around us.

On a global level, it is also time for us to see what we can do to alleviate the suffering of others both in our own country and overseas. Take into consideration how much you have and notice how little some others have. It is a time for good causes, helping our neighbors and uplifting the lives of others in the best way that we can. Sometimes that just means patience and understanding with those around us. Other times it means volunteering time, a talent or just an effort to alleviate suffering.
How many times have you said “I would like to volunteer to do” or “I want to make a difference”? Now step back and think - - how many times have you actually followed through with the thought? Now is the time to do it! It’s time to go back to our basic human values where neighbors help neighbors, for active participation in causes to alleviate the hunger in our own neighborhoods and our own country. Volunteer to do those things which you are capable of doing.

The children of this world are in need of many things – some for food, proper housing, medicines and the right to live like decent human beings. Those in our own country need guidance as well! Our children have been brought up in an age of violence. Violence breeds violence. I don’t know who first spoke those words but they were very prophetic! It is, therefore, the time for us to assess the world that shaped them and try to bring in changes that will steer our children in the right direction. Our children live in an era of electronics – movies, television, computers, cd’s, dvd’s, vcr’s, cell phones, etc., and a lot of this media is slanted towards violence. 

While I believe that all of these new methods of communication are the future of our developing world, we should use these tools to educate not destroy. It is time to take a stand, to re-evaluate and steer our children towards understanding that they need to work for what they get, and that nothing is free. The work ethic has to be re-introduced so that our youth don’t feel that they are ENTITLED to anything they want. They have to learn to work and achieve and not take anything for granted. We should also strive to bring them towards better morals and move them in the direction of PEACE. It has escalated to a very big job, but it’s time we took notice and took action.

It is now a time for greater spirituality. More and more people are turning towards the pursuit of religious beliefs. It doesn’t matter which one, as long as we do. It is a time to seek light and understanding. To quote a sentence that appeared in the Miami Herald, “Life is fluid like the rhythm of water”. Life flows with the changes we make and with the spirit that guides each of us. Make a resolution to start a new beginning in your life’s flow!